Japanese Search Engines
Japanese is one of the most culturally distant languages from English, making it a hard language to optimise for the search engines.
It is important to research complimentary and competitive keywords and their appropriate usage amongst your target audience. Only by understanding exactly what you customer searches for, can you optimise your page accordingly.
Therefore careful keyword analysis and density research must be carried out in the specified target language market and the relevant search engines targeted to optimise the success and subsequent traffic required through your website.
If you are planning to take your business to the Japanese market a strong web presence is essential and an understanding of business in Japan is a must.
The Japanese language uses a range of search engines and through its very high ratio of population to internet users (67.2%), it is ideal for foreign products and services to be marketed online.
The most popular Japanese search engines and directories include:
- Aol Japan
- Biglobe
- Dmoz Japan
- Dokoda
- Excite Japan
- Fresh Eye
- Goo
- Google Japan
- Interconnect
- Infoseek Japan
- Msn Japan
- Nikkei Net
- Netscape Japan
- Sho-web
- Yahoo Japan
Japanese Translation and localization Case Studies: